2022-03-17 Cross Florida Greenway
Camping with Carl, Mid-West Florida Boat Ramp Series.
When we get all our chores done and we can go outside. Alan Jackson says it best. When all the conditions are right for a “Good Time”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSROm-vgVRk
For those that like boating like me, I have been posting some of the highlights of boat ramps and resources here in north Florida. Here is another spot that I found in the Inglis\Yankeetown area.
This is the Cross Florida Greenway Boat Ramp in Citrus County. This is right next to the Florida Fish and Wildlife conservation offices. Parking is under the bridge and is real nice to get your truck out of the sun while you are on the water. Lots of things to do and access to the Gulf.
2022-03-17 Cross Florida Greenway
Google Earth link: